We believe that environmental justice, conservation, and climate change must be top priorities for all Democrats
Our group is united in strong opposition to the construction of an unnecessary and greenhouse gas-producing electric generation plant in the underserved Keasbey section of Woodbridge Township.
Here are some facts:
The proposed plant would be located only 2 miles from downtown Metuchen.
15 local towns and municipalities in Middlesex County passed resolutions opposing the construction of this plant, with Metuchen being the glaring exception, despite the presentation to the Council and Mayor of a petition containing the signatures of over 300 concerned Metuchen residents.
Middlesex county has a F rating for Ozone with the American Lung Association.
The plant is not needed:
The Woodbridge Energy Center, also in Keasbey, was constructed just 7 years ago.
This air-fouling and green-house gas emitting plant is not needed based on current or future energy need projections. So while the electricity will be exported other counties, Middlesex County and Metuchen residents will need to bear the environmental burden.
For more information, see here .
We believe that Democratic governments can and should do more to mitigate the devastating consequences of climate change for current and future generations.
We support:
Expanding town-wide composting
Providing recycling options for Styrofoam
Enforcement of anti-idling laws
Making government buildings energy efficient
Offering Government Energy Aggregation for municipalities
We believe a healthy Democracy is a transparent Democracy.
Our goals:
Educate voters about the County Committee and why it's important.
Inform voters on the existing dysfunctional candidate endorsement process.
Listen to what voters in our districts want from their elected Democratic representatives
Inform voters on important upcoming state bills and local ordinances.
For example, did you know about the April 2023 passage of the poorly named Election Transparency Bill which defangs ELEC, the New Jersey election watchdog?
We believe that equality and fairness are the foundation of our Democracy.
We support:
A fair candidate selection process
New Jersey ballot reform initiatives
Greater involvement of Metuchen residents in zoning and development decisions